
2007-08-18 9:39 pm
I live far away from you
But you can see me every day
Irise early in summer
But I am lazier in winter.
People like to see me
Because I can make thwm happy.
Sometimes I hide
When clouds come to my side.

1.What am I?

2.Where can people see me?

3.why do people like to see me?

4.Inwhich season can people see me for a longer time?

5.The word "me" rhymes with 'happy'.
Find another pair of rhymes.

6.What is the weather like when I hide?

回答 (3)

2007-08-18 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2.in the sky

3.because the sun is warm


5.hide & side

參考: me
2007-08-18 11:05 pm
1.The sun.

2.In the sky.

3.Because the sun can make people feel warm.

4.In summer

5.Hide and side

參考: me
2007-08-18 9:53 pm
1.What am I? the sun

2.Where can people see me? (the sky)

3.why do people like to see me?( Because I can make them happy)

4.Inwhich season can people see me for a longer time?( in summer)

5.The word "me" rhymes with 'happy'.
Find another pair of rhymes. ( hide and side)

6.What is the weather like when I hide? (cloudy weather)

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