Xanga 轉左新版面, 可唔可以轉番舊o個款??

2007-08-18 8:03 pm
之前xanga 叫我轉左個新版面, 點知要轉d background 係好麻煩的

回答 (2)

2007-08-19 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
How do I delete or turn off my Theme and go back to the old Look and Feel?
Go to: http://www.xanga.com /home2.aspx

Go ahead and click on the "Edit this page" link at the top of the page. See the checkbox on the left side that says, "make this your active theme"? Just uncheck that, and hit save.


Next, go to http://www.xanga.com /private/yourhome.as px (your private page). From there, click the "Public Preview" link and you should see your public site with the old Look and Feel
2007-08-18 8:10 pm
通常XG系統更新到最新狀態, 都好似無法轉回舊STYLE!

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