
2007-08-18 7:06 pm

我不小心撞了一架93年的Nissan 300ZX 的車尾。天雨時我沒有超速,但還撞了對方的車尾。当時前面好多車停咗响到。佢架車車尾凹咗、冇咗個車牌、側面凹咗少少。對方話車陣歪了。要我賠12900。又不肯比我拿去整。合理嗎? 請問我一年三個月牌和滿二十六歲,墊底費一般是多少? 但如果我同對方講我以後唔駕駛呢? 他是否看準我的墊底繳來叫價呢?

回答 (1)

2007-09-03 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
No legal representation for 小額錢債 wor, no need to pay the other side's legal costs.
If you really want to fight it, then you need to prove the amount is unreasonably high for those type of repair work or you need to prove the 車陣 wasn't bent by the crash.
The court order need to be enforced by the other party, the court won't by itself enforce the order.
墊底費 depends on your insurance policy. Check your car insurance policy la.

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