
2007-08-18 6:53 pm

回答 (3)

2007-08-18 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
作者 珍·奧斯汀( Jane Austen)
是用其筆名"a lady.")
原著書名 Pride and Prejudice
國家 英國
語言 英文
類型 小說
出版社 T. Egerton, Whitehall
出版日期 1813年1月28日
媒體類型 印刷(精裝本和平裝本)
2007-08-18 8:03 pm
傲慢與偏見的作者叫 Jane Austen
2007-08-18 7:01 pm
Pride and Prejudice 的作者是 : Jane Austen

First published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has consistently been
Jane Austen's most popular novel. It portrays life in the genteel rural society of the day, and tells of the initial misunderstandings and later mutual enlightenment between Elizabeth Bennet (whose liveliness and quick wit have often attracted readers) and the haughty Darcy. The title Pride and Prejudice refers (among other things) to the ways in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. The original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions, and was probably in the form of an exchange of letters.
Jane Austen's own tongue-in-cheek opinion of her work, in a letter to her sister Cassandra immediately after its publication, was: "Upon the whole... I am well satisfied enough. The work is rather too light, and bright, and sparkling; it wants [i.e. needs] shade; it wants to be stretched out here and there with a long chapter of sense, if it could be had; if not, of solemn specious nonsense, about something unconnected with the story: an essay on writing, a critique on Walter Scott, or the history of Buonaparté, or anything that would form a contrast and bring the reader with increased delight to the playfulness and general epigrammatism of the general style".

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