我想問咩叫newton's third law

2007-08-18 5:04 pm
我唔明點先叫作用於2物件上..and then why normal reaction and weight is not action and reaction?

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
newton's third law



有一樣野叫action and reaction pair.

好易學, the force acting on B by A

咁reaction 果個force 就叫 force acting on A by B

要睇acting on 邊個 by 邊個。

假設有個人企左係度,weight 係 the force acting on the person by the earth

佢相對的反作用力,應該係 the force acting on the earth by the person

但係normal reaction又係咩事呢? normal reaction 係講緊個 ground!

注意~係ground。 normal reaction: the force acting on the person by the ground

而人俾番個地下,ground的force 係 the force acting on the ground by the person

只要睇下個名就知係唔係action- reaction pair

咁其實ground 同 earth 有咩唔同呀?

ground 係講緊果個面! 人同呢個面有接觸,所以果種力係

force in contact! CONTACT接觸

人作用係ground 的力,係一種push<<<認同嗎?


但係地球有咩唔同!?地球俾你的force 係~ force at a distance

你店唔到個core的~而且,呢個係一個 pull ! pulling force~

咁人作用係地球果個pulling force呢?點解睇唔到架呢?

咁~就要拎番條newton's second law出黎!!

假設你mass= 10 kg架姐~咁net force = ma ~你個weight就係10~

net force = 100N ~即係你個weight係100N

係呢個moment~~~ 黎番條newton's third law~

你作用番俾地球個力~same magnitude~opposite direction~

oh~~得100N~ 諗下先~咁地球幾重呀? N咁重-0-重你唔知N咁多倍~

再整番條newton's second law先~

net force = ma ~ 100 = N咁大既mass 乘 acceleration~

咁移一移個位 a = 100 / N咁大既mass

咁a係唔係好細先~? 所以點解個你跳高左,個地球拉你~你個a咁大~

而個地球郁都唔郁~係唔係我根本冇reaction force俾佢架?

答案=唔係~係地球個mass 太大,acceleration細到唔知點整~

我地feel唔到~ 所以先成日以為normal reaction and weight is action and reaction

記住~用action - reaction pair~ on乜乜by乜乜


參考: 自己係physics上的認知。
2007-08-18 5:13 pm
newton's third law 是指作用於2物件之上的力,即A以力碰撞B,B會以同樣的反作用力實施於A之上。

但normal reaction 是地面作用向物件
而weight 是地球作用向物件

以上二力都作用向物件,故不能成為action and reaction

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