How can i do better??

2007-08-18 2:02 pm
I am a 14 year old girl and i am currently living in my aunt's house with her 8 year old kid. I was told to help him on his math homework. I tried my best to tell him what to do but he just keep doing it slowly. And when my aunt got home she started blaming me cause my little cousin works too slow.

Later she told me to watch him to do his composition work. My little cousin is not concentrating so i told him not to play with the table play with the rubber or anytihng. Then my aunt start blaming me and said "Stop talking! He cant concentrate!"


So do you think it's my fault? and how can i do better?

回答 (1)

2007-08-18 2:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, don't be so unhappy, i think you just need some patient, especially to deal with kids, maybe you can play and talk with him more, try to be his friend, then i think he will listen to you, if he listen to you he might put more attention in doing his homeworks, then your aunt will not blame you anymore. Good luck

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