Factorization using Cross-method(F.3)

2007-08-18 10:32 am
有無辦法可以做Factorization using Cross-method快d,吳洗琳咁耐,慢慢搵d factor?

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 11:34 pm
Sometimes using Cross-method to factorize cannot totally solve questions .
I suggest you should enter a formula into your calculator ; therefore,you must factorize the question quickly!Call your Maths. teacher to help you or you can surf the Net to find out the formula.Moreover,when you study in f.4,you will learn more about it.

另外,雖然用機而得知答案是很快,但你不要太依賴.因為用cross method做因式分解這些題目可以訓練腦筋的靈活性。讀熟乘數表固然重要,但多做練習更能事半功倍。我想你應該明白''熟能生巧''的意思,多做練習,你自然好容易記得乘數表的所有口訣。
To be honest,我以前都好似你,唔想想太耐,但因為以前唔知道可以用機知答案,所以經常都要背誦乘數表,做做下就愈來愈快KO條題目,現在就算知用機可以很快得出答案,都懶得用(唔係吹水!),因為一看條題目都知道答案啦。
P.S.我最少用cross method做過200題factorization!!信不信由你!It's easy job!
參考: All by meself.Who answered your questiom is a person who always gets high marks in Maths. test.
2007-08-18 4:14 pm
參考: me

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