
2007-08-18 7:56 am

回答 (1)

2007-08-31 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
大學orJUPAS 大約於9月10幾號到(可能會早多幾日 舊年係9月8日)會公佈各大學ge 入學資訊日
正常來講實有大學撞日期ge啦 你亦冇可能一日去到兩間(因為太多野唔識啦 花多眼亂 亦有無數ge人俾野你)自已取捨去邊間啦 如我自已就從來都冇去過LU     CITY BU IED 最後亦冇幸入到呢幾間大學
PS 去左兩年都唔知D野有咩ge實際用途  唉!算啦!!
重有三大年年都好似唔撞ga  ><
如果你係一名中七生  開放日日不能不去GA
首先 你可以知道今年GE收生情況 例如幾多NON JPUAS /EAS/MAINLAND GE學生
今年GE 大約收生成績 (唔好主動問HELPER GE 成績 十個有十個都唔答 只會答你已知GE INF)
去開放日可以令你更加了解間學校 ie culture hall(important for you if you want to enter hku)
個人經驗: information day cannot help you a lot if you do not know you want to take. Since you will go to a lot of counters and then get nothing. also, you may only be attracted to tours(useless for you). then you almost waste a whole at the U. so, I recommmend you research more information before you go to the U. and write down the questions that you want to ask or want to know more. Think twice before you go. I suggest you only go to a few TALKS(less than 3) and focus on a few counters and One or two faculty or department. ask more at these places. just forget the attractive souvenir at other counters. getting into U is more important than that. IF you can ask enough questions ,you will understand what you can learn what you can get if you enter the Programme. also you can know the Entrance Requirements deelply so you will work harder to achieve the goal.
to conclude, try to find out what you are interested in b4 you go to the Inf day. then you will a lot. if no, you just waste one day to travel at a U and get a lot of useless souvenir and leaflets

Final: ask your teacher to get the first hand inf about the Inf day. or you should go to the fellow website to know all the Inf day in the mid of SEP
希望幫到你啦  sleep la 

2007-08-31 02:43:30 補充:
個website http://www.jupas.edu.hk/jupas/c_content_news.htm
參考: 個人經驗  year 1 at U

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