
2007-08-18 7:36 am
我在英國剛剛收到AsLevel成績, 很不理想。 有意思想去澳洲讀。
請問我考了IELT(7分), ESOL-English for Speakers of Other Languages(pass with merit) 用不用去做個開始的英文course?

請問我聽說去升澳洲大學先要讀foundation, 那是什麼用的?

foundation 有分讀多久,那是如何分的呢?

我在英國考了的GCSE有1A*, 2A, 3B, 3C, foundation 又要讀多久?



我好擔心@@ THX

2個的答都好好~ 現在我也選擇了返英國讀,然後看看我AL的成績如何, 好的就去讀香港的大學, 不好的也有演藝學院收 多謝你們 我想2個也給10分的,但是也要選擇一個sor

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your english is no problem already because it is IELT(7分). 90 % of university in the world is accepted. If you want to study in uk, you can apply some access course from the nearest college or apply the HND for your interest. Apply your interest course,first.The access course is a year full time course, when you pass(it is easy pass), you can go to university straight away. On the other hand, HND is a two years full time course, you can choose your interested course. After two years, you can apply a top up course of your subject, its means the third year of selected course.After a year, if you pass you will get a degree from the university. It is same as normal degree. I use this way at the moment.
I hope it can help you. If you have problem call me back or send the message to my email;[email protected]
*I am living in uk.

2007-08-18 03:29:46 補充:
Foundation course same as access course in uk. The only benifit in 澳洲 is the cost cheap than UK.I think you studied GCSE and A level in uk, if you carry on studying in uk, it should better because you are used to the style in uk. When you go to a new place, you need the time to settle down.

2007-08-18 03:30:08 補充:
Finally, I advice you join the clearing of ucas as soon as possible and I know some university is not full yet. You need to try or ring them to ask by yourself. They may give uou an offer with condition.(Ask you resit the exam). Try....Good luck.

2007-08-18 03:32:01 補充:
Tha access course cost 3-4k and the HND cost about 6-7k, all for a year.
2007-09-01 7:08 pm
以你A-Level 要直入澳洲既U真係無乜可能. 所以係可以經過Foundation再上U,
Foundation 讀一年, 升上大澳洲大學, 而且澳洲好多foundation course 都可以上到澳洲一級大學.

foundation 要讀一年, 你有IELTS 7分, 係無需讀英文course.

澳洲大學學費一費都係10-15萬之內, (但未計生活費, 生活費若7萬元).
有時學費亦要視乎你讀咩科, 如果是商科或文科會平D, Science 或設計之類又會貴D.

以你GCSE成績, 係一定有Foundation 既學校收的, 而且絶大多數foundation學生都可以升上U, 所以吾駛擔心. 由於澳洲的foundation 好多都係1月份開課的, 所以你仲有時間.
你可以去之前幫我搞去澳洲讀書個個agent度問下啦, 你可以搵羅小姐, Tel: 3549 6075, 佢好好人架.

如果問題, 可email 我, [email protected] 大家交流下啦.

Gook Luck !!
參考: 海外畢業生

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