Yamaha u5

2007-08-18 7:10 am
想問問tom lee 暑期優惠, yamaha yu5 最平最平幾$$?

回答 (3)

2007-08-23 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yamaha YU5, 我手上0既價錢係tom lee五月中0既價,當時折完大約七萬蚊(一次過payment) or $72000(by 24 instalments)...宜家summer sales0既價錢應該都係咁上下啦...可以幫你再問一問...同埋我可以幫你再取得extra discount 0既...

另外,你都可以考慮下Kawai K8AS,個model等同YU5,而且價錢比YU5平得多...

if you need me to help you get extra discount. you can email to me
2007-08-18 5:24 pm
YAMAHA U5-大譜架演奏級實木132cm高鋼琴。

參考: piano_proshop
2007-08-18 11:19 am
tom lee set the price as higher to buy if u want to buy it cheaper u should go to the piano warehouse http://hk.f2.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/b5701440
this is a piano warehouse they sell new used piano i m sure they sell cheaper than tomlee

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