有咩方法可以cover到黑眼圈 ?

2007-08-18 6:43 am
我黑眼圈幾勁 ~
面色都麻麻 .. 但係唔想成日搽foundation
所以想問可唔可以淨係base + concealer 就可以 cover到黑眼圈 ?
同埋想問有咩牌子推介 .. thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
use concealer lor ~
* IPSA is gd also , becox it hv three color in one box, so u can have the most suitable color for u ~ $260
* or maybe ettusais lor ~ it hv two kind, one is for the 黑眼圈 with brown beige, and another one is for 黑眼圈 with blue beige ~ $120
* or maybe Bobbi Brown, it hv concealer and loose powder together ~
參考: myself
2007-08-18 11:03 am
Bobbie Brown 幾好呀,一盒仔有cream狀conceale和加碎粉、

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