My name is May Lam. i'm 32 years old. my hobbie is cooking. I'm a housewife. I have a daughter and a husband. My daughter is 15 years old and my husband is 38 years old.
daughter :
husband :
housewife :
由於以上都唔係用到 d 非常深奧, 所以適合你用!
2007-08-17 22:09:16 補充:
1.我的名字 (May Lam) My name is May Lam.2.我的年齡 (32歲) I'm 32 years old.3.我的嗜好 (烹飪) my hobbie is cooking.4.我的工作 (家庭主婦) I'm a housewife.5.我的家庭成員 [有一個女兒(15歲)和老公(38歲)] I have a daughter and a husband. [My daughter is 15 years old and my husband is 38 years old.]
2007-08-17 22:10:14 補充:
唔好意思, 係hobby , 唔係hobbie!你一開始記住要講聲: good moring or good afternoon or good night!
2007-08-17 22:11:13 補充:
最後要講聲 Thank you, BYE BYE~~