有一些english ga problem

2007-08-18 5:49 am
i have some problems , hope someone can help me to solve
When u meet a friend on the street, you may either say "how are you" OR "how do you do"
The problem is , what are the differences between "how do you do " and "how are you"
Is there any difference in degree??
Or this two questions are just the same.
and usually how will you answer??

Thank you very much.
Welcome to use chinese to answer my question.

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 6:07 pm
How are you? = 你好嗎? 一般性的問安, 開場白一句.
How do you do? = 你近來點啞? 問候包括生活或工作. 問者想知多D你的近況
參考: my usual practice
2007-08-18 6:01 am
I think they are the same.I usually use "how are you".
參考: me

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