
2007-08-18 5:17 am

回答 (4)

2007-08-18 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
why not? 落地還錢ga.....

周xx果d無乜得講價ga, 反而一些不太起眼的首飾店,就可以6-7折, 不過如果您買結婚卡庄鑽戒,還是以4C為先, 如果Cutting 差, 淨度低, 顏色啡黃(不是金鑽), 幾多卡都係無用.......

或許您選散石, 帶備白紙(看顏色夠白否), 10倍放大鏡, 看清楚一點, 逛多幾間才決定lah,
才再選擇款式鑲嵌, 這是我個人認為最好的方法.........

打定d底, 以免比d sales 講兩句就落踏..................


2007-08-18 15:44:53 補充:
參考: 個人經驗
2007-08-20 11:16 am
I am getting mine from Tiffany & Co. and there's no way to 講價... mine is about HK$100,000 (I am in Canada)

My bf and I tried going to a custom made store but you don't really know if they are showing you a very good piece of glass or diamond... don't know if you can trust them... so finally decided to go back to big company.

Maybe my ring is a little more expensive (1 ct) but when you go to store like Tiffany, u know u can fully trust them, plus they have excellent service (before sale, sale and after sale). They set up a private section for me and my bf to learn about diamonds and stuff... so I am very happy with Tiffany... not only u are buying the diamond, but the entire package... so it still worth it after all.

2007-08-20 03:38:39 補充:
Also, there's certification for diamonds. As I said, the other store that I visited, I don't even know who they get that cert from... and you totally do not have to worry about a thing at big store like Tiffany... so you pick your choice.

2007-08-20 03:40:41 補充:
That's $100,000 and some is just my engagement ring... wedding bands are cheaper; the one I think I will get is just about $20,000 and my bf's would be $10,000...

2007-08-20 03:41:47 補充:
People may think this is a lot of money and honestly I am not rich at all. But think though... you are going to keep this ring for the rest of your life. The car my bf bought costs at least double of my ring but he can only keep it for max. 10 years. So after all my ring isn't so bad...
2007-08-18 5:49 am

參考: 自己
2007-08-18 5:19 am
Of course, you need to bargin when you buy the diamond ring, usually they mark up the price of the jewelery, usually 10% off will be obtained....try your best....good luck!!

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