
2007-08-18 5:05 am
我個多月前係頸部脫左一粒墨, 早幾日自然地塊焦甩左, 我摸落去有點凹凸不平, 但照鏡望落個傷口度就冇明顯凸起, 但我怕佢摸落去凹凸不平果D係肉芽, 有冇朋友可以形容比我知傷口上既肉芽係點既樣?

回答 (1)

2007-08-20 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
During the proliferative phase of wound healing, granulation tissue is:

light red or dark pink in color, being perfused with new capillary loops or "buds";
soft to the touch;
moist; and
bumpy (granular) in appearance

i think what on your neck is scar, not granulation tissue=)
參考: i am a nurse.

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