
2007-08-18 12:46 am
01我們的太陽系,是以太陽為中心,由八大行星及其衛星、矮行星、小行星、彗星、流星體和行星際物質所構成的天體系統。八大行星依次為水星、金星 、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星及海王星。這些天體都受太陽的引力影響,環繞太陽轉動。

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2007-08-18 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Our solar system, regard the sun as the centre, by eight major planets and satellite , short planet , asteroid , comet, the celestial body and celestial body system formed of interplanetary matter flow. Eight major planets are successively Mercury , the Venus , the earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus and Neptune. These celestial bodies are all influenced by gravitation of the sun, rotate around the sun.
參考: me**

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