✔ 最佳答案
A class is not definately the worst.There are not any specific talents for each class, it just depends on the quality of students each year. But u better work harder becasue ABC classes don't have much atmosphere of learning.(DEF classes are usually better coz they have better Math results) Especially when u reach F.3 as u have to decide which stream to study. F.3 is an important year. However,it is still fine for u to study in A class if u work hard enough.(Try to have good Maths results, it will help u a lot, do more ex.)
But don't worry too much, u will enjoy studying in SHCC.
Afterall, SHCC is a great school.!!!
Hope u will have a nice F.1 experience~
參考: I am studying in SHCC right now (F.5)