
2007-08-17 10:17 pm
1)Pigs,the cleverest in all the farmyard animals.
2)There are house-mice and farm cats.
2)there are 後要唔要加some 或其他?

回答 (4)

2007-08-17 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
基本上唔算係句字, 只係一組名詞。而且farmyard係名詞。再者當要講 "o係咁多xxx中" 應該用among 而唔係in。
Pigs are the cleverest among all the animals in the farmyard.
Pigs are the cleverest animals in the farmyard.

都可以~ 基本上唔加都得ge, 代表你只知道o個道有老鼠同貓。而且好似係冇farm cat架喎, 家貓ge話應該係domestic cat。
There are mice and cats in the farm.
參考: 自己
2007-08-18 12:06 am
1. Pigs, the cleverest in all the farmyard animals.
Pigs are the cleverest in all the farmyard animals.
主角係Pig+cleverest farmyard animals.

2. There are house-mice and farm cats.
there are 後唔洗加野

2007-08-20 09:09:02 補充:
補充下1.Pigs, the cleverest in all the farmyard animals.強調Pig.E句句子可以用喺介紹豬嘅文章裏面2.唔原整因為 There are house-mice and farm cats後可以補充少少野.There are house-mice and farm cats in my uncle's barn.咁就唔會唔原整,令到你覺得佢錯嘅錯覺!

2007-08-20 09:22:22 補充:
喺E句句子中用among同in冇分別, among好D, formal D,不過in又唔係錯,所以兩者都用得而Pigs, the cleverest in all the farmyard animals. E句句子中用 Pigs, 開頭而冇are,大家係唔係覺得好奇怪呢! E句用左修辭手法,好似:"華爾街,世界上所有金融中心之首."強調華爾街.唔係話唔加得are,只係冇are都可以成為句子.
2007-08-17 10:22 pm
1)錯, 冇動詞

應該係 Pigs are the cleverest animals in all the farmyard.

2) 應該係除名稱外, 多數名詞前都要有a, an, the, 或數量詞

所以There are some house-mice and farm cats.
2007-08-17 10:22 pm
1.) Pigs are the most clever in all the farmyard animals.
2.) There are some house-mices and farm cats. (要加some )

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