
2007-08-17 6:19 pm

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
次按即次級按揭,原先是美國一些財務公司以高息貸款給那些還款能力不佳的人做樓宇按揭,但這些按揭由投資銀行包裝成有抵押的債券,給予評級, 對冲基金要博取高回報而購入,當中也包括一些美國、歐洲和澳洲等金融機構。可惜由於越來越多借款者未能交付利息而最終斷供,但美國樓房價格又逐漸下滑,縱使賣出樓房也不能抵償貸款,損失造成連串影響,一直牽連到美國以外。一些對冲基金因而倒閉,一些為了面對客戶的贖回潮,被逼把股票、期貨、高息貨幣和其他投資等折回現金,於是又引發連串的金融波動。由於香港是自由金融市場,慘被變成「提款機」。

2007-08-17 7:43 pm
some people they don't have enough money and disqualify to borrow money from bank, there are another finance company they will borrow money to this kind of people but the interest rate is more higher, if the property market not good, the house price is going down, people no money repaid the 2nd mortgage ,and their house nobody to buy, the problem will come out.

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