notebook keyboard 有幾個制用唔到,點算?

2007-08-17 9:40 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-18 8:59 pm
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Notebook Keyboard 有幾個制用唔到, 係Hardware問題, 有D情況會突然間用得番, 就算係咁, 仲係In Warrnaty, 最好及時拎去原廠攪, 保養會包零件,唔駛錢既, 如果過晒保養期, 可以拎去Sham Shui Po比專門維修Notebook既舖頭攪, 收費會比較合理, 如果部機真係太舊, 宜你又唔需要拎出街, 我建議唔好花太多錢整佢, 買個外置USB Keyboard插住用番算數!! 我地舖頭係Repair Notebok既, 全新原廠Notebook Keyboard我地都有過百款, 如果真係有需要可以比電話我地81117728.................Thx
2007-08-17 9:49 am
Please try to turn the notebook over and let the dust comes out from between the key pads. As there may be a chance that somethings stuck in between the key pads. If it doesn't work. Otherwise it is better to bring it back to repair, check if you still have the warranty for this notebook.

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