
2007-08-17 8:09 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-17 3:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i m having the same situation now. he pretends nothing but actually they are still having contact. i pretend that i know nothing but sometimes, the girl will contact him and he will talk with her silently for a while and sms as well. it is very hurt and when i discuss this with him, he said that he will improve but so what, it is not actually.

if u love him, time will prove. overall bf chose me but i dont know why time to time they are still having contact and just simply say to the girl, i chose my gf, dont find me again is that difficult? ppl say that ur honey is the kind of guy who doesnt want to hurt others, but how abt me? he hurts me deeply actually as i really trust him all the time before. i scare this and that when out with him or cant see him. he doesnt know and still pretend nothing and very good with me. i will choose as 大方 to win from the situation anyway. remember, arguement is meaningless and he or she has a bit towards to her/him. we cant just blame why it happened but review if ourselves have mistake/overlook and improve together!

LOVE is a difficult thing and we have to learn how to overcome. it is not ur own problem but 2ppl problem. if you love him, and he/she still loves u and treasures the relationship, let see if still can have happy ending finally. but remember, please consider the one who has no 3rd party, cos she/he is the innocent actually.
2007-08-17 8:51 am



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