Defining relative clauses~急~

2007-08-17 6:35 am
Jane: Have you heard from Antonella,the Italian student(1}_____(sit/ behind us) in class last year?Do you remember her?
Tony: Of course I do. She's the one(2)_____(win/ beauty contest). I remember her very well !
Jane: Which beauty contest?
Tony: Come on! You remember! I'm talking about the one(3)_____(be /organised) to raise money for pandas.

回答 (2)

2007-08-17 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Jane: Have you heard from Antonella, the Italian student(1}(who sat behind) in class last year? Do you remember her?
Tony: Of course I do. She's the one(2) (who won the beauty contest) . I remember her very well !
Jane: Which beauty contest?
Tony: Come on! You remember! I'm talking about the one (3) (which was organised) to raise money for pandas.

I have tried my best to help you.

2007-08-17 17:52:56 補充:
2007-08-17 8:01 am
1. who sat behind us
2. who won the beauty contest
3. which was organised
參考: me

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