
2007-08-17 5:37 am
不過我唔系好清楚如果入醫院GE 話包唔包,

回答 (2)

2007-08-17 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
醫療保險 - Not necessarily but even if you want to buy, best to buy it in UK.

You can have a look at http://www.moneysupermarket.com/medical/

果邊學生普通睇診所唔使錢,剩系要比藥錢, --> You are referring to NHS scheme (National Health Service).

藥錢 - Currently is 6.85 pounds per medicine. But as a student, you can apply for HC1 form which will give you free medicines.

入醫院GE 話包唔包 --> Cover under NHS. But like public hosptial in Hong Kong, there is a long waiting list. The medical insurance will cover private hospital.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself - Live in UK
2007-08-23 11:56 am
once you enrol in uni, you will be reg in to the GP (general doctor), once you have done that, your details will be in the NHS system, so you can also visit the hosiptal too, but hope you don't have to.

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