
2007-08-17 5:24 am
1 )小姐,麻煩請出示身分證幫你登記,唔該 !!


3)想同你約一約時間 ,你有冇邊個時間方便?

4)小姐,可以坐下等等! !

回答 (10)

2007-08-17 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Please show your identification card to help you to register, thanks! !
2) Excuse me, our doctorhas arise a sudden event today , he must go to the hospital to do a small surgery, therefore your booking must change, can it be in the afternoon? ?
3) I want to approximate with you, what time do you convenient?
4) Lady,you may sit down and have a wait! !
參考: myself !
1) young lady, the hemp requests to exhibit the identification card to help you to register, should not! !
2) not the good meaning, my doctor today has arise suddenly the event, must go to the hospital to undergo a small surgery, therefore your already booking must change, does not know changes the afternoon time side not to be convenient? ?
3) Wants with your approximately time, you to have 冇 side a time to be convenient approximately?
4) young lady, may sit down and so on! !
2007-08-17 7:27 pm
1 )小姐,麻煩請出示身分證幫你登記,唔該 !!
Miss, please produce you ID for registration, thank you.

Sorry that your booking (appointment) have to postponed as Dr. xxx having an urgent call for an minor operation, how about 3pm this afternoon?

3)想同你約一約時間 ,你有冇邊個時間方便?
Wanted to arrange a booking for you, what is the most suitable time for you?

4)小姐,可以坐下等等! !
Miss, you may sit down and wait.
參考: SELF
2007-08-17 7:22 am
1. Lady/Miss, Can you show me your ID card for registration, please??
2. I'm sorry, Our doctor has a sudden fatal case to meet. He/She has to go to a hospital for doing an operation. Your booking has to be changed, Would you like to book the afternoon section??
3.I would like to meet you at a certian time, When is your free time to meet each other?
4. Lady/Miss, you can sit here and wait for a moment!!!!
2007-08-17 6:03 am
Miss, may I have your Identification enable me to help you register please!

I am sorry to tell you that you have to change your booking date as our doctor has gone away to provide an operation in the hospital. Are you going to be free in this afternoon?

What time will be convenience for you if i want to book it with you now?

You may sit and wait there miss.
參考: myself
2007-08-17 6:03 am
1. Excuse me, Ms/ Madam, could you please show me your ID card for register?
2. Oh, I am so sorry to inform you that something urgent has happened. Dr. XX has to manage an urgent surgical operation this morning, can we make our appointment a little later (in the afternoon)?
3. Excuse me, when is it convenient for you (to come)?/When would it be most convenient for you?/What time would be convenient for you?
4. Ms/ Madam, pls take a seat.

hope i can help you ^V^

2007-08-30 00:02:39 補充:
sorry, 唔好意思, 但係以上既答案真係有不少的文法錯誤~~
參考: i am an English teacher and you can visit the website: http://www.linguist.com.tw/ENGClass/
2007-08-17 5:56 am
1. Hello Miss, may I look at your identity card for registration?

2. I am sorry sir/miss, there is an emergency and therefore, the doctor has to be at the hospital for the operation. I am afraid your appointment has to be rearrange. How about this afternoon, do you think that would be suitable?

3. I like to arrange a meeting with you, when would it be suitable?

4. Miss, please take a sit while you are waiting.
參考: 自己 唔算好好~
1 )小姐,麻煩請出示身分證幫你登記,唔該 !!
Madam, please produce your ID card for registration

Sorry, Due to Doctor XXXXX (name of doctor) engage to operation at hospital, could you postpone the appointment in the afternoon please

3)想同你約一約時間 ,你有冇邊個時間方便?
For your appointment reserved, when would you like the next appointment?

4)小姐,可以坐下等等! !
Madam, please sit down for moment
2007-08-17 5:42 am
1 )小姐,麻煩請出示身分證幫你登記,唔該 !!
= would you mind producing your identity card for registration?

= we are sorry to inform you that due to unexpected cirumstances, the doctor has to perform an emergency operation this morning, so we have to reschedule your appointment. Is it convenient for you in the afternoon?

3)想同你約一約時間 ,你有冇邊個時間方便?
= I would like to arrange an appointment that suit your schedule

4)小姐,可以坐下等等! !
=Please take a seat and wait for a while.
參考: me
2007-08-17 5:37 am
1. Miss, please show you identity card and I would help you for register.
Thank you!

2. Sorry, Here is a bad news, without our expectation, our doctor needs to
conduct a minor surgery. so ... unfortunately. your booking is going to
change. Would you mind to change the appointment to the afternoon?

3. May I have you free time to do (sth)? When will you be free?

4. Miss, please take a seat for waiting.

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