2007-08-17 3:05 am
自問唔低lv.... 但點解經常被人話我係noob = =?

ps: 可以的話留下rs的名~~

回答 (4)

2007-08-18 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'd suggest that you ignore those ppl who called u a noob. And the reason? well, consider this----i walked into lumby one day (i was around cb lvl 80...81???), and this lvl 13 started foloing me around and calling me a bitch, i didn't say anything to piss him/her off, nor did i no that player. So u see, sumtimes people do it 4 no particular reason at all, or in some cases they do it to simply annoy u or so that they have sum1 to talk to etc. eg.
player 1: u N00b!!!!
player 2: Are you talking about me?
player 1: of course la, who else u N000000b!!!!!
*flame war*

If you're grinding a skill and have nothing better 2 do...sure, go ahead, start throwing insults(no swear words or u might be reported) and call them noobs back. Otherwise, just plain ignore them.

-oh, 1 more thing, if any1 ever calls you a bitch, bark and bite their trousers, that should get your point across.

2007-08-17 22:24:15 補充:
rs name:squidbreathadd me if u want, and srry if my answer suxs
2007-08-18 10:41 pm
RSN : wxyzabcd << what a creative name lol - -

noob o既意思係new player, 所以如果你 lvl 唔低但又經常被人話係 noob, 可能係講錯
o野,問錯o野, 或者標錯價 whatsoever...

有時 D 人又想鬧人又唔想俾人 report, 都會鬧你 noob, 因為 runescape rules 度講明

''Calling other players a 'noob' is quite common in most online games.

It's not something to worry about as it means 'new player'. Every player has to be a 'noob' at some point.

The best thing to do is to ignore it.''
所以你 report 佢都無用.... 正如 runescape 俾o既建議 : The best thing to do is to ignore it. 你都係無謂理佢地....
參考: me + runescape rules
2007-08-18 7:34 am
noob 呢個字唔止你有唔止既 combat lvl 會比人話, 就算一個爆 combat 126 lvl 既 player 都會有機會比人咁叫, 點解? 因為好多乞兒問人拎野, 你一唔比佢, 佢地都會話人 noob, 唔通要為左人地係網絡上既一個 game, 而怕比人話 noob? 只要你唔理果d人就可以, 好似我咁我經常都有咁既事發生在我身上, 我只會答佢地一句 "yes, i am a super noob, leave me alone please", 之後都唔需要再理佢, 果d人就唔會再對你做得d咩, 對嘛~!!

其實d人無聊先話人 noob 唧, 係我就會用時間升爆自己既 skills lvl 啦~!!

my rsn: amy0924
2007-08-17 4:17 am
rs name:kai boss
you can add me
what is your lv

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