希望英語老友們為我批改 +指導 (Advanced Level) 2

2007-08-17 2:25 am
Please tell me how to polish my writing. thx!

These days I indulge in the participation of yahoo's knowledge+ , from which I can learn the stuff I like most. English, for example, is one of my focuses here as lots of "masters" with incredible knowledge and insight into English are there.


Most of them are generous to sharing with others, and my knowledge in this field is widely extended. What a helpful resource! I could not help but take part in the game enthusiastically, in the hope that I would be a Doctor in the future.

回答 (1)

2007-08-17 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
English, for example, is one of my focuses here as lots of "masters" with incredible knowledge and insight into English are there.
咁究竟係 here 定 there?不如兩處都用 there 好過。但其實可以只用一個,以免太累贅。另外可以將 English 改為 The English section:
The English section, for example, is one of my focuses as there are lots of "masters" with incredible knowledge and insight into English.
* * * *
Most of them are generous to sharing with others, and my knowledge in this field is widely extended. What a helpful resource! I could not help but take part in the game enthusiastically, in the hope that I would be a Doctor in the future.
1.Generous to someone,generous in doing something
2.不宜用 game 描述 yahoo knowledge,有人用玩 online game 升級o既心態o黎,不等於呢個係 game。可以用 forum。
3.would be a doctor 人地未必明,不如改為 would be ranked among the doctors on the forum
4.knowledge widely extended 不如用 knowledge greatly expanded,因為唔係講緊幅員/範圍,唔會「擴展」(extend),但會「變大」(expand)
Most of them are generous in sharing with others, and my knowledge in this field has greatly expanded. What a helpful resource! I could not help but take part in the forum enthusiastically, in the hope that I would be ranked among the doctors on the forum in the future.

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