
2007-08-16 11:34 pm
1.the sweet shop is____the cake shop.
2.the bank is____the furniture shop.
3.the library is____the camera shop.
4.the markiet is____the supermarket.
5.the tailor is____the shoe shop and the bookshop.
6.the library is____the bank.
7.the shoe shop is____the pet shop.
8.the market is____ the pet shop.

回答 (3)

2007-08-16 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.the sweet shop is____the cake shop.

2.the bank is____the furniture shop.

3.the library is____the camera shop.

4.the markiet is____the supermarket.

5.the tailor is____the shoe shop and the bookshop.

6.the library is____the bank.

7.the shoe shop is____the pet shop.

8.the market is____ the pet shop.
那市場是 ________那寵物店.
2007-08-17 12:10 am
1.那甜商店是____那蛋糕商店。1.the sweet shop is____the cake shop.
2.那銀行是____那傢具商店。2.the bank is____the furniture shop.
3.那圖書館是____那照相機商店。3.the library is____the camera shop.
4.那市場是____那超級市場。4.the markiet is____the supermarket.
5.那裁縫店是____那鞋店和書店。5.the tailor is____the shoe shop and the bookshop.
6.那 圖書館是____那銀行。6.the library is____the bank.
7.那鞋店是____那寵物店。7.the shoe shop is____the pet shop.
8.那市場是____那寵物店。8.the market is____ the pet shop.
2007-08-16 11:51 pm
1. 糖果店是 _______ 蛋糕店
2. 銀行是 _________ 傢俬店
3. 圖書館是 ________ 相機舖
4. 街市是 _________ 超級市場
5. 裁縫師是 __________ 鞋店及書店
6. 圖書館是 _______ 銀行
7. 鞋店是 ________ 寵物店
8. 街市是 ________ 寵物店.

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