點解 復星國際有限公司 (0656.HK) 停牌 ?????

2007-08-16 10:35 pm
點解 復星國際有限公司 (0656.HK) (今日 8月16 )停牌 ?????



回答 (3)

2007-08-16 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2007-08-19 02:00:04 補充:
18/08/2007 復 星 國 際 ( 0656 ) 宣 布 , 子 公 司 與 海 南 鋼 鐵 組 合 營 公 司 , 以 從 事 開 採 及 加 工 鐵 礦 石 業 務 , 總 投 資 及 總 註 冊 資 本 為 十 五 億 元 ( 人 民 幣 ‧ 下 同 ) , 復 星 合 共 佔 合 營 公 司 六 成 權 益 , 將 出 資 九 億 元 。 該 公 司 申 請 於 下 周 一 復 牌
2007-08-17 8:26 am


http://main.ednews.h k/listedco/listconew s/sehk/20070816/LTN2 0070816066_C.pdf
2007-08-16 11:03 pm
You should face the reality, no matter how good the news is, it will drop as much as the others.

You should understand the reason of dropping, that is caused by funding companies selling their stocks in HK and transferring those money to cover the loss in USA.
Keep in mind that Federal Reserve is investigating the actual loss of those funding companies now.

Even worst, now they are checking Moody's, Morgan Stanley, and they are not just funding companies, they are also Ranking companies (give out ranking). Imagine what will happen when Ranking companies are hiding the actual loss to the investors.
The result is, all of the investors will draw back the money ... then stock disaster comes.

Should sell it as soon as it opens.

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