✔ 最佳答案
你係 high school graudate, 你唔可以讀high school.
我建議你搵 Canada 的 official agency 去報college. Dont find other agents.
( 上環地鐵站D出口)
Universities 已經 deadline 左好耐 (September admission)
你既成績好難入(UBC,UT,McGill), 我個新加坡 friend GCE AL straight A(s) 入UBC. 但你應該去 official agency 到問意見.
你快D報 college then U transfer仲好.
UBC 淨係得 September admission, 一月唔收生.
如果你决定報 BC省既college
建議你報 Kwantlen University College, 因為佢都 offer degree programs.
就算唔好彩入唔到大學都可以係個度 finish your degree.
Langara College, Douglas College, BCIT 都係比較好的 colleges.
其他既有Vancouver Community College, Capilano College. 其他 private colleges 就唔好諗九成厄你.
Those private colleges always say that they have connections to some universities and it seems you can get in easier. Actually, it is not. With the results they mention, you probably only stand a chance to get in. And so does everyone else who have that results. It does not have to be their student.
That answer also tells you how to choose a college.
2007-08-21 23:44:28 補充:
I didn't ask my friend she took 幾多科GCE... She got straight As. It was too embarassed to ask.Yea, I believe you should retake your math exam instead of taking the Chinese exam. Also, the agents in 上環 should know much better than me what exam results stand a higher chance to get in UBC.
2007-08-21 23:48:23 補充:
I dont check my MSN. You can for sure send messages to me through this account. I am answering some other people questions too. You are Canadian? Do you have friends in Canada too? Coz I only have a better picture about the west side of Canada.
參考: Ask me. All the best.