
2007-08-16 10:10 pm
1.The H.C.F. and L.C.M. of two number are 6 and 108 respectively.
If the two number are 12 and x,find x.(Hint:x is a multiple of 6 and a factor of 108.)

2.There are two numbers.Neither of them is a multiple of the other.
Find two pairs ofpossible values of the numbers if their H.C.F. is 16.

3.A wire of 72cm long is bent into a rectangle.
If the length of the rectangle is 19cm.Find the width of the rectangle.


回答 (1)

2007-08-16 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3.佢意思係話一條72Cm長既線就圍住個長方形,假設長方形既長度係19cm,就問你個闊度。咁你知道長方形周界係 (長+闊)X2 啦 因為長同闊都有2條邊。所以條式就係
Let x be the width of the rectangle.

4.(+7)(-6) 7係正數啦 6係負數 你照樣把佢地x埋佢 最後就要睇個正負號
7X6=42啦 正數x負數=負數 所以(+7)(-6)既答案就係 -42 啦

參考: 自己計的

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