Can anyone check the grammer of the paragraph to me?

2007-08-16 11:20 am
I am an outgoing, friendly person. I had participated in different kinds of extra-curricular activities in secondary school and university. Therefore, I trust that my working experience and personality matched with your job requirements.

回答 (2)

2007-08-16 6:33 pm
我是一個外出, 友好的人。我參加了不同的種類課外活動在中學和大學。所以, 我相信, 我的工作經驗和個性與您的工作需要匹配了。
2007-08-16 11:28 am
I am outgoing (and: 用and串連2個性質類似的形容詞) friendly. I had participated in different kinds of extra-curricular activities in (the) secondary school and (the) university. Therefore, I trust that my personality and working experience (用現在式match, 因為是事實) with your job requirements.

P.S. 你問題串錯了字. 應該是Grammar 才對.

參考: 自己 (我讀緊英文的master degree)

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