Can anyone check the grammer of these paragraphs to me?

2007-08-16 11:19 am
I graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a degree in Policy Studies and Administration in July. This programme provided a great opportunity for me to communicate people with different nationality.

My first job was the post of a summer helper in a library. This job required me to perform check-out and other assigned counter duties. It was a valuable experience and I learned how to perform counter services in a professional and pleasant way.

回答 (2)

2007-08-16 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我從香港市大學畢業了以程度在政策研究中和管理在7月。這個節目為我提供了巨大機會與另外國籍通信人。 我的第一個工作是一個夏天幫手的崗位在圖書館裡。這個工作需要我進行結算離開並且其他分配了逆責任。這是可貴的經驗並且我學會了怎麼進行逆服務在一個專業和宜人的方式。
2007-08-16 11:37 am
未開始解答你的問題前, 想提醒一下你Grammar (文法)一字串錯了. 是A不是E

I graduated from the City University of Hong Kong in (YEAR), (majoring in) (the) Policy Studies and Administration. This programme (provides) (me) a great opportunity to communicate (with people of different nationalities).

解說: 你並不是七月才讀這個degree, 所以時間不應加在你degree名之後, majoring in 是比較恰當的用詞. 另外用現在式provides便可, 因為是事實, provide 是transitive verb, 即及物動詞, 後面應加上indirect object (me)

My first job was (being a summer helper) in a library. This job required me to perform check-out and other assigned counter (services). (I gained some valuable experiences) and I learned how to perform counter services in a professional and pleasant way.

解說:你的工作是做(being)一個summer helper, 不是拿了個職位(post)而已!! 另外你的工作經驗應該是多過一種 (從你第二句裡指出). 後面不應只是一個valuable experience! 記得2個uncountable nouns 加起來, 是plural的!

參考: 自已

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