第2個hard disk 唔識裝..求救

2007-08-16 11:17 am
我第一個hard disk 是冇jumber 的
so 第2個hard disk d jumber 點樣set好?
如果set 岩左 重新開機 會否 自動顯示 第2個hard disk 出黎?
如果唔會自動顯示..咁要點做先check 到個hard disk呢?

回答 (3)

2007-08-16 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你要清楚你係用兩條 cable 線定係用一條。無論一條或兩條,都要分:主;僕。英文叫:master ;slave (有D叫 primary ;secondary)。在 hard disk 機身會有資料寫明如何設定。如果用一條線接兩個 hard disk 或 與 DVD Rom/ CD Rom ,有時因為兩者唔同速度而令到電腦認唔到個 hard disk。如果認唔到時,可試將條線單獨接上 hard disk (當然其 master/slave jumper 要 set 妥)。如果唔得就是 hard disk 有問題或者係你部電腦用唔到太過新既 hard disk(因為 hard disk 有分 ATA 或 SATA[最新]),如果得就是兩個硬件不能同時連接。要自己取舍啦!
hard disk 唔應該無 jumper, 你係咪講無左 set jumper 果粒零件,高登電腦商場可買到架!
2007-08-16 7:29 pm
0. turn off your PC.
1. unplug all cable related to CD roms only.
2. plug the released cable and power source to the new HDD. No need to set any jumper at this time.
3. Boot the PC, if your PC and HDD both working properly, you should see the hdd on the bootup message screen.
4. If you can't see the new HDD on the boot up message screen, your new HDD may be fail. May need contact the dealer for replacement.
5. If u can see the HDD, you need to set the jumper now.
6. turn off the PC again.
7. Unplug the cable from the new HDD 1st.
8. Take a look on the NEW HDD, both top and bottm, there should have instruction to teach you how to set the jumper to make the HDD to become slave.
9. set the jumper to slave position.
10. Then replug the new HDD to the cable connected with your old HDD. dont forget the power cable too.
11. replug the CD roms cable also.
12. turn on the PC again to see if its OK.
2007-08-16 5:50 pm
For parallel ATA (IDE):
1. Set the 1st HDD as primary.
2. Set the 2nd HDD as secondary.
(Refer to you HDD's menu for jumper settings, you should be able to find the menu on the web.)
For parallel SCSI:
1. Set the 1st HDD as ID0.
2. Set the 2nd HDD as ID1 or higher (ID2....).
For SATA and SAS:
1. Connect another cable to SATA/SAS port (1st HDD on port 0 and 2nd HDD on port 1 or higher)

After power on system, enter system BIOS/Setup to check if all HDDs are detected. If not, recheck cable and/or jumper.

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