✔ 最佳答案
每年十月至三月, 各大學都會接受下學年的入學申請. 由於non-jupas是各間大學自行收生, 不像jupas那樣統一招生, 每間大學的接受申請時間和截止日期並非一樣. 你需自行到各大學入學組網頁留意最新消息. 所有大學的2007-08學年的non-jupas已經截止報名. 如果程序沒變, 科大10月就會接受申請, 12月尾截止. 港大1月截止. 中大和理大於2月截止. 城大會於2月尾至7月截止, 視乎課程. 嶺大於3月截止, 7月是late application的截止日期. 樹仁會於高考放榜當日至JUPAS放榜前/後的時間接受申請.
申請程序方面, 大部分大學設有網上申請和遞交表格申請. (現時只有嶺大和樹仁沒有網上申請). 申請時需遞交報名表、報名費、transcript、學歷證明(如公開試成績)、證書(如有)、身分證副本等. Interview機會準則並不一致, 有時會看GPA, 有時會兩樣都睇. 我之前讀poly u電腦有關HD, 上學期GPA=3, 高考有科AL同AS C, 報讀城大會計都有面試機會.之前亦聽過有人GPA好高, 但AL考得差都唔收.
至於能否讀year 2, 視乎你各科的成績和做到多少credit transfer.
2007-08-16 20:43:18 補充:
HKU, UST, LU, HKBU only allow applications for 3 courses, at maximum. CityU allows unlimited application, but they charge a $100-$150 for each course application, even some courses are in the same faculty/department.
2007-08-16 20:43:51 補充:
Please note that GPA is not only criterion of selecting students. They will also consider your public exam results, interview performance, personal statement etc.
2007-08-16 20:44:04 補充:
I heard that a student who get GPA 2.8 get conditional offer from UST Comp Engineering, but a person who get GPA 3.27 didn't get any interview at all. However, department may shortlist applicants for interview on the basis of GPA.