
2007-08-16 7:32 am
1. A 46.2 mL of 0.568 M calcium nitrate solution is mixed with 80.5 mL of 1.396 M calcium nitrate solution. Caclulate the concentration of the final mixture.
(Please show steps, if possible, please explain as well!)

Thank you so muchhhhh!!!

回答 (1)

2007-08-16 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Total no. of moles of Ca(NO3)2 present = 0.568 × (46.2/1000) + 1.396 × (80.5/1000) = 0.1386 moles
Total volume of final mixture = 80.5 + 46.2 = 126.7 mL
Therefore final concentration = 0.1386/(126.7/1000) = 1.094 M
參考: My chemical knowledge

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