紅磡碼頭 點去紅磡黃埔花園?

2007-08-16 7:20 am
由北角 搭船去紅磡碼頭..
跟住 點去紅磡黃埔花園第11期地庫聚寶坊Yo Park!??????

回答 (4)

2007-08-16 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
walk pass the bus stop, then you'll see a park on the left and 大家樂 on the right.
and also the Jusco Ship in front of you. walk pass the Ship and you can see McDonald's. and that's 聚寶坊.
2007-08-17 1:10 am
碼頭出閘, 對面天橋行過去, 好近。
參考: 個人
2007-08-16 10:48 pm
2007-08-16 7:23 am

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