There 和 it 的分別 ?

2007-08-16 4:23 am
請問there 和 it 有什麼分別?(請舉例)

回答 (4)

2007-08-16 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
'There' 指「那裏有......」, 關乎事物或人物存在的問題 , e.g. There is a pencil on the desk. 那裏有一枝鉛筆 ; There is a boy playing in the playground. 那裏有個小男孩在遊樂場玩耍。
'It' 指「是」的意思 , 關乎是與非的問題 , e.g. It is a pencil. It is not a pen. 這枝是鉛筆 , 不是原子筆。
這些都是 there 與 it 的基本分別。
2007-08-16 5:49 am
there : 這裏
it :它

There {prnoun}~
[there is/exists/remains etc]used to say that something exists or happens:
There remain several questions still to be answered.
Suddenly there was a loud explosion.

1in or to a particular place that is not where you are:
We could go back to my cottage and have lunch there.
2if something is there, it exists:
The chance was there, but I didn't take it.
3at or to a particular point in time, in a process, or in a story:
Let's stop there and I'll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow.
4 [there and then]immediately:
I thought I'd have to wait, but they offered me the job there and then.
5[spoken]used to refer to something that someone has said when you are answering them:
That's true. I agree with you there.

There [interjection]~
1[spoken]used to express satisfaction that you have been proved right or that you have done what you intended to do:
There! I've done it! I've resigned.
2[ there, there!][spoken]used to comfort someone who is crying, especially a child:
There, there, don't get so upset!
3 [so there!][spoken]used to show someone that you do not care what they think and you are not going to change your mind - used by children:
I'm going to Elly's party, and you can't stop me, so there!

1used to refer to a thing, animal, situation, idea etc that has already been mentioned or is already known about:
'Where's your office?' 'It's on the third floor.'
2used to refer to the situation that someone is in now, or what is happening now:
I can't stand it any longer. I'm resigning.
3used as the subject or object of a verb when the real subject or object is later in the sentence:
It worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.
4used as the subject of a sentence when you are talking about the weather, the time, a distance etc:
Is it still raining?
5used with the verb 'be' to emphasize that you are talking about one particular thing, person, group etc and not any other:
It's Lawrence you should be talking to.
6used to refer to a baby when you do not know what sex the baby is:
What will you call it if it's a boy?
a) used to say who a person is:
'Who's that over there?' 'It's Robert Morley.'
b) [spoken]used to say who is speaking, especially on the telephone:
Hello, it's Frank here.
參考: Longman dictionary
2007-08-16 4:30 am
2007-08-16 4:29 am
There is an apple on the table.
It(apple)is on the table.

Is it right???
參考: me

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