
2007-08-16 3:53 am
用natural/naturally/careful/carefully/noisy/noisily/beautiful/beautifully/good/well/happy/ happily/fresh/freshly/calm/calmly....

Fill in the blanks with the adjectives or adverbs in part 2.

5-When accidents happen,people should act_______.
6-The best way to spend a weekend is to enjoy the_______air and the _______scenery of the_______world.So,let's go to the countryside!
7.Judy is a_______cook.She cooks very________.

回答 (4)

2007-08-16 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
5-When accidents happen,people should act calmly .
6-The best way to spend a weekend is to enjoy the fresh air and the natural scenery of the beautifully world.So,let';s go to the countryside!
7.Judy is a good cook.She cooks very well.
參考: 我做過
2007-08-16 4:04 am
5-When accidents happen,people should act calmly.
6-The best way to spend a weekend is to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery of the natural world.So,let's go to the countryside!
7.Judy is a good cook.She cooks very well .

2007-08-16 3:58 am
5-When accidents happen,people should act calmly .
6-The best way to spend a weekend is to enjoy the fresh air and the natural scenery of the beautifully world.So,let's go to the countryside!
7.Judy is a good cook.She cooks very well.
參考: me
2007-08-16 3:56 am

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