✔ 最佳答案
1) 應該. Below is Canada's official agent. Dont find any other else.
( 上環地鐵站D出口)
考左唔夠分可以再考 or 入唔到 college or 入到 college but 要你讀英文班.
3) For Vancouver,
我建議你報 Kwantlen University College, 因為佢都 offer degree programs.
就算唔好彩入唔到大學都可以係個度 finish your degree.
Langara College, Douglas College都係比較好的 college.
其他既有Vancouver Community College, Capilano College. 其他 private college 就唔好諗九成厄你.
Those private colleges always say that they have connections to some universities and it seems you can get in easier. Actually, it is not. With the results they mention, you probably only stand a chance to get in. And so does everyone else who have that results. It does not have to be their students.
4) Register TOFEL exam. Check out with the agent I mentioned. After you obtain your admission letter, then you go and apply student permit (visa)
5) You are welcome. (please dont ignore this question)
You may want to take a look at my answer for the other question.