英文句子告急 上集 10分

2007-08-16 3:43 am
Renewable energy broadly refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished, as opposed to fossil fuels.
句中的 as 是甚麼意思? 屬於那個grammar ?

新增一條問題 Authorities here have been trying to discourage that but it's going to be very, very difficult to discourage any kind of celebration in what is a momentous win for Iraq 句中的 in what 是用了那款文法?

回答 (3)

2007-08-17 6:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
所謂準關係代名詞,即它有名詞與連接詞的功用,as作為準關係代名詞常與such, the same, as等連用,如:
Read such books as will make you better and wiser.(要讀那些會使你更聰明之類的書)
I will buy the same watch as you have(我要買和你一樣的手錶)
He is as brave a solider as ever lived(他是自古以來最勇敢的軍人之一)
I helped him, as was my duty.(我幫助他,因那是我的責任)
She has married again, as was expected.(她已再婚,這是意料中的事。)

We are tired, as anyone can see.(我們累了,這是有目共睹的。)

Renewable energy broadly refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished, as opposed to fossil fuels.

所以as opposed to fossil fuels就是用來補述前句,全句意為:可再生能源大體上指著那些可自然被補充的能源,這是與石化能源相對的。

2)what 可作疑問關係代名詞外(可譯甚麼),也可作為關係代名詞(有:that (or those) which; the thing(s) which; all that; as much(or many) ... as等)(what兼有關係代名詞和先行詞(antecedent)兩種之間的作用)

如:What you say is quite true(你所說的話,完全是真的)
  He spends what he earns.(他花盡他所賺的錢)


Authorities here have been trying to discourage that but it's going to be very, very difficult to discourage any kind of celebration in (that which) is a momentous win for Iraq

2007-08-17 10:05:47 補充:
2007-08-16 3:54 am
I think
參考: me
2007-08-16 3:51 am
as 係 conjunction (連接詞)

as opposed to 即是 與...相對/與...成對比

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