Harry Potter ??... 10分!!~

2007-08-16 12:31 am
我想知弗雷.衛斯理 or 喬治.衛斯理大 d ? (唔好作出黎!~)
佢地真人又叫咩名同真人邊個大 d ?
我仲想要佢地d相 and 個人資科 !!!
Thank you ! ~

回答 (1)

2007-08-16 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
James Phelps(詹姆·菲比斯), Oliver Phelps(奧利佛·菲比斯) 是孖生兄弟,1986年2月25日出生,Oliver早出13分鐘。 大哥右頸有粒痣,弟弟James(Fred)右頰有道疤痕。


Full Name: James Andrew Eric Phelps and Oliver Martyn John Phelps

Birthday: February 25, 1986.

City of Birth: Sutton Coldfield, England, UK

Height: Both of the twins are 6'1"

Siblings: Only siblings are each other.

Biography: Oliver and James Phelps were born just 13 minutes apart on February 25, 1986. Both young men have always shown a great interest in acting and have been in many high school productions together. They are currently attending Arthur Terry School for the first year of 6th form, where they will stay until they graduate, this year. They don't know just yet what they're going to do with their lives, be it going into movies full time or going to College.

Bands: James: Foo Fighters, Bon Jovie, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eagles, Queen, and recently, R&B. Oliver: Creed, Foo Fighters, Bon Jovi, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eagles, and Queen.
Music: James and Oliver both love rock music.
Harry Potter Book: James: Prisoner of Azkaban(3rd) and Oliver: Goblet of Fire(4th).
Film: James: Pearl Harbor and Oliver: The Mummy Returns
Color:James: red and Oliver: blue.
Soccer Team: James: Birmingham Blues and Oliver: Aston Villa.
School Subject: James: English and Oliver: Geography.

Interests: Golf (handicap 20 for Oliver and handicap 18 for James), rock music, X box, Playstation, and acting.

Personalities: James: friendly, active, and sporty. Oliver: talkative, active, friendly, respectful to elders.

Interesting Facts:
-Oliver is just 13 minutes older than James.
-James' wish for his future is to play a bad guy in a James Bond movie or play James Bond himself.
-Both James and Oliver are single! Can you believe it!?
-They have a bearded collie named Ewen, who is big and hairy, plays a mean game of soccer, and loves snow.
-When they were filming in london, they visited Madame Tussauds, the famous waxworks with their friend Luke Youngblood.
-Their pranks include messing with people's heads at school when they switch names

-"It was so much fun making the film on set, it was like playtime!" *on filming HP
-"Working alongside such big name actors was fantastic, it hasn't really sunk in yet." *said by Oliver about filming.

-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004) Fred and George Weasley
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(2002) Fred and George Weasley
-Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone(2001) Fred and George Weasley

Contact: <<地址
JOP Project
PO box 9765
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B75 5XB

Internet Movie Database
Double Trouble//James. and. Oliver. Phelps

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