About Perth ?????????? Urgent !!!!!

2007-08-16 12:08 am
我想知 10 ~ 12 月的Perth 天氣好嗎 ???
如果 4~ 6 月的Perth 的天氣呢??


另外, 想避開澳洲冬天, 7~ 9 月去Queensland 's Cairns , brisbane , byron Bay ....
對嗎????? 仲可以游泳嗎 ? 因為那邊冬天氣溫也高 !!!


回答 (2)

2007-08-16 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
澳洲冬天 is from June to September
Best time to go is April to May and Mid Oct to Dec
7~ 9 月去Queensland 's Cairns , brisbane , byron Bay 仲可以游泳嗎 ?
Not for me, quite cold similar to HK winter

have a look at www.bom.gov.au

Brisbane Forecast
Issued at 4:15 pm EST on Thursday 16 August 2007

Precis: Fine
Forecast for Friday
Increasing high cloud but remaining fine. Light to moderate NE to NW winds.

Precis: Increasing high cloud but fine
City: Min 13 Max 25
Bayside: Min 12 Max 25
UV Index: 5 [Moderate]

Forecast for Friday
Cairns Shower or two Min 20 Max 27
2007-08-16 6:18 pm

柏斯 http://hk.deals.travelzoo.com/315358

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