Sofina Rise UV Cut Milk vs. Sofina Perfect UV

2007-08-15 11:45 pm
我皮膚有少少敏感, 平時返office, 用邊隻會好d?
因為 Perfect UV 又有美白, 又可以有色, 但係又平d, 所以唔知點揀好

回答 (3)

2007-08-16 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sofina Rise UV Cut Milk 是有防曬的面霜, 即是日間搽完爽膚水之後可以直接用的, 唔哂再搽面霜的!
Sofina Perfect UV 只是防曬, 用之前要搽面霜先的, 所以就平d啦!
你平日返工用Sofina Rise UV Cut Milk 就夠, 而且你皮膚有d敏感咁就唔好用美白產品, 美白的成份會比較容易引起敏感!
參考: 用開sofina 的防曬產品
2016-12-13 8:08 am
Sofina Perfect Uv
2007-08-16 12:10 am
Rise UV Cut Milk hv SPF 24 PA +++ & SPF 50 PA +++ and it don't ned to use the make off or special think to clean ; but Perfect UV is SPF50 PA+++ and it 's for people to hv some ourdoor activity, and it 's waterproof , so it ned to use the make off to clean ~
and u only use for working , go to office, Rise UV Cut Milk SPF 24 PA+++ is enough ga la ~
參考: my knowledge

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