
2007-08-15 9:38 pm
我係差不多12蚊時入左,而家跌到咁,想問下我應該留定守呢?佢底線會跌到幾錢呢?係咪值得繼續等?等一二年會升返嗎?大家睇唔睇好呢隻野呀? thx!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-08-15 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

不要放,宜家隻隻都跌,有業績的會上得返。要走都應該於於10元時止蝕走了。走不到現價亦可謂值得買及留在投資組合。市況好轉時, 一年後估計目標價為約為16-18。


2007-08-17 12:38 am
Totally agree with cklam517!! I am not selling 1 share of it. I have all the faith in the HK economy and the stock market and also this company.

I don't understand..people buy when the stock price is rising, and sell all when it's going down..isn't it contrary to the game rule? Anyway, bottom line is if you don't have urgent need of the money you put in, then I'd leave it. The price of this stock will bounce back up in couple months, sooner than you know it!
參考: My confidence, my experience
2007-08-15 9:51 pm
If I were you, I will sell it and then wait.

Wait until it re-bounce (when the atmosphere is better, ie. interest rate decrease), buy a good big stock instead.

The point is, when it re-bounce in the future, the first re-bounce are the big stocks.

Now all of them are cheap, BUT ... can be cheaper.

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