NEOPETS: which pet is the strongest?

2007-08-15 8:02 pm
which pet is best in fighting?

回答 (4)

2007-08-17 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應是天馬!我養了一隻天馬場場比賽我也 Win!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
參考: ME
2007-08-16 10:13 pm
The strongest pet currently in Neopets is : Majal_Kita

Level: 3528
Hit Points: 11006 / 11006
Strength: ULTIMATE (1606)
Defence: ULTIMATE (786)
Movement: ULTIMATE (5311)
Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (1255)

Battledome Record:
Played: 62,024
Won: 62,010
Lost: 10
Drawn: 4
Score: 12,746,461
2007-08-16 4:40 am
The strongest pet currently in Neopets is : Majal_Kita

Level: 3528
Hit Points: 11001 / 11001
Strength: ULTIMATE (1606)
Defence: ULTIMATE (786)
Movement: ULTIMATE (5304)
Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (1255)

Battledome Record:
Played: 62,024
Won: 62,010
Lost: 10
Drawn: 4

2007-08-16 18:16:17 補充:
U can select its status while creating creating a pet.But, with higher level, they may be lower in HP.So, it doesn't matter which pet is the strongest at the beginning.The training is more important.

2007-08-16 18:16:52 補充:
However, people prefer to have pets with cheap & good species weapon(weapon just for that kind of pet)Eg Kacheek Life Potion (A cheap healer just for Kacheek)
2007-08-16 1:48 am
No neopets can be the strongest
參考: Me

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