
2007-08-15 7:40 pm
我想問應該喺咩時候用has had嫁??

回答 (2)

2007-08-15 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
所謂 has had,只係 present perfect tense,但係 has 同佢自己o既 past participle 走埋一齊嚇你一跳o者。
present perfect 其實都係講過去左o既事,但係:

present perfect 唔會講發生時間,通常只係 simple past會講
present perfect 用於講剛發生o既事
present perfect 講o既事發生左之後,同現在仍有密切關係,效果持續
如:I've broken my leg. 意思可以係 I broke my leg last week. 但依家呢?斷腳一日未好返,都仲可以用 I've broken my leg.
如果今日你買左架車,你可以講 I have a car. 咁係講現狀(你有車),所以用 simple present。
點解?因為你買囉,所以可以話 I have bought a car. 你剛買左,發生冇耐,可以用 present perfect,而買左之後你就擁有佢架啦。一年後,你可以同人講:
I have had this car for one year. 我已經擁有呢架車一年啦。
2007-08-15 7:44 pm
When the verb is have and the tense is in present perfect, you can use has had.
For example, You have just had your lunch.

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