英文問題 bored & boring

2007-08-15 7:16 pm
feeling bored 同 feel boring 有咩唔同?

回答 (3)

2007-08-15 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案

feeling bored 意味著已過了一段時間;意思好像是:「我現在覺得我已經悶了一段時間!」(整句使用:"I am feeling very bored with this movie. Why don't we just leave?")

feel boring 是現在式,意思是:「我現在感覺很悶!」是當下正感受著的事。!(整句使用:"I feel boring watching this movie. Can we not do something else?")

參考: Self
2007-08-15 9:47 pm
其實 boring 同 bored 係意思上有少少唔同. 係主動詞同被動詞有分別嘅典型例子

boring 係主動詞. 即係指一個人或一樣事物引起人地悶嘅感覺
bored 係被動詞. 係悶嘅呢種感覺 (感覺係其他野引起嘅, 所以係被動)
A boring person makes me feel bored = 一個悶人令我覺得好悶!

所以話你覺得好悶, 應該係 I am bored.
如果你話 I am boring, 就係話你係一個好悶嘅人!

因為呢個微妙嘅不同, 所以
I'm feeling bored = 我感到悶嘅感覺. 都算岩(雖然feel有少少多餘)
I feel boring = 我感到我會引起人地悶嘅感覺... 即係話覺得自己係一個好悶嘅人!

如果要用 feel 加 boring, 邏輯上就唯有指明咩人/事係好悶啦:

This story feels boring = 我覺得呢個故事會引起人地悶嘅感覺 (即係呢個故事好悶)
(This story feels bored 會錯! 因為死物係唔會覺得悶)

I feel Mr. xx is boring = 我覺得某某先生係個好悶嘅人
如果話 I feel Mr. xx is bored, 意思就係"我覺得某某先生覺得好悶"

其實除左boring/bored... 仲有好多類似嘅字, 例如 interesting/interested, surprising/surprised, annoying/annoyed等等~
2007-08-15 7:36 pm
"feeling bored" is correct english

"feel boring" is gramma mistake -> should be "(noun) is boring" or "i'm boring"
參考: me

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