請問有無人聽過Bare Minerals呢隻牌子?

2007-08-15 11:30 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-15 12:18 pm
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Bare Minerals 係美国化妝品牌子, 喺1976年成立. 呢隻牌子多數出眼影,唇膏,粉底,同埋D化妝用具.( brushes). 呢隻產品係用100% 純礦物成分來造, 冇化學成分. 可以keep 耐D唔太快過期. 我朋友係三瀋市買咗套"Get Started Kit"比我 , 但唔係幾好用, 尤其係夏天用,如果你買膚係油性, 好快溶.用面油紙吸幾吸就冇晒.如果皮膚乾性都ok. 呢隻牌子我係香港冇見過.我上網睇都唔係太貴.
你可以上呢個website see: http://www.bareminerals.com/
2007-08-24 12:48 pm
i use bare minerals (since im from us), i love it. the eyeshadow that i use can use as wet (eyeliner) or dry (eyeshadow). just wet the brush and dip powder and it can be eyeliner, just brush and apply and eyeshadow.

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