Does anyone in a good relationship ever want to sleep alone occasionally ?

2007-08-14 6:32 pm
This is only for comfort and not a sexual issue.

回答 (22)

2007-08-14 6:56 pm
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It all depends on you and your spouse. If both party agrees I don't see any reason why not. Me and my husband work at a different schedule, so we sleep on separate rooms and bed, but we still have a very good relationship.
2007-08-15 1:37 am
Yes. I want to be able to squirm, eat cookies in bed, leave the light on, stretch, not negotiate on room temperature, etc. Sometimes I just need some freaking space to breathe.
2007-08-15 1:37 am
Sure, why not? Especially if the other person snores a lot or hogs the covers :)
2007-08-15 1:37 am
yes. I want space to myself from time to time and vice versa. Just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean you are tied together with an umbilicalcord. You are still together but you are also indviduals who need time and space for your self!
參考: my happy marriage
2007-08-15 1:37 am
There are a lot of people who like sleeping alone. Anyone who's ever slept with someone who snores will agree that sleeping alone is much nicer than being kept awake by loud snoring.
2007-08-15 2:30 am
Yes i have been married for 10 yrs and i want just one nite to my self without a snoring man beside me, he also has restless leg syndrome and he is constantly moving and rolling around that sometimes i feel like i am sleeping with the titanic. I hate to say this but when he worked over nites i had the best and most relaxful nite sleep in my life. but now i dread him moving and groaning and shifting it is uncomfortable and when he cant sleep and i am drifiting off to sleep he is rubbing my back or shoulders or covering me up or uncovering me up or whatever.
2007-08-15 1:47 am
Absolutely. When my husband is really tired he snores so when we know he's going to snore he sleeps in the guest room. We also had a terrible time sleeping in a queen bed together so until we got our king we sleep alone even more. I think it takes a strong secure couple to do it.
2007-08-15 1:40 am
Usually on weekends I stay at my bf's house. Then on the nights I can't stay the night, I have to admit, I've layed in my bed alone and actually enjoy it. It's not because I don't miss him or because I don't love him or want him next to me. The independence is nice once in a while and for some reason it just feels good.
2007-08-15 1:38 am
Sleeping separately doesn't mean you're in a bad relationship. I've always preferred sleeping alone. My husband and I have a good relationship, and we sleep in separate rooms due to his snoring; it's not causing us any problems.
2007-08-15 1:36 am
sure, there's nothing better than a king size bed all to yourself...although I don't sleep as good when my hubby isn't in the bed with me.

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