How can someone just pack up and disappear from all family and friends? Could my bank account be touched?

2007-08-14 6:24 pm
Had enough of the wife, kids (adopted) have all grown up. Passion has gone with marriage, want to disappear, avoid all arguments that will get nasty if I stay and negotiate seperation in the normal manner. Just want to get to an airport with my bank card and make a new life for myself? I have a small pension and need to know if my wife (although I will leave her house, cars, some money, and belongings behind) wouldbe able to access my account or effect my mortgage?

回答 (18)

2007-08-14 6:32 pm
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She's your wife- she can gain access to anything and everything. She's entitled to half your pension and if you just flat out disappear she could divorce you and the court would award her what's fair or she could have you declared legally dead and everything will be hers.
2007-08-14 6:32 pm
Be a man and take care of business the right way. I can bet that if you just pack up and leave, she will get the house, car, and anything else you leave after she signs that you abandoned her
2016-04-01 11:22 pm
You could struggle, these days, I'm afraid. The banks should no longer accept cheques which are not made out to the account holder, even if they have been signed on the back. You might have to go to a cheque cashing service and pay the commission.
2007-08-14 8:28 pm
As long as your still married to her...she is pretty much entitled. You need to just do it the right way so that you can make sure that you don't get screwed, I think that you just wanna leave cause you don't want her to get that pension. If you leave and she divorces you while your gone...and your not around to contest the terms for the divorce she can take more than what your leaving her.
2007-08-14 6:44 pm
Of course you are still married. Everything is half hers and if you live in California you really are screwed. I have a question. Now that you have raised adopted kids which had to take alot of love to adopt kids. Where did that love go? What did you do to try to make the marraige work? Have you two gone to marraige counseling. Your adopted kids have the fact that they are adopted but to have a dad they grew up around just pick up and disapear and get divorced what are they suppose to think. How will that affect them? You have alot to consider before you can just pick up and leave. I am sure being married to you wasn't all peachy. If you go to counseling and it doesn't work out she will have to except the fact you want a divorce. She has no choice. Doesn't matter where you move its going to get ugly and you will have to be called back to your state for the divorce hearings especially if there are assets, bank accounts, anything involved.
2007-08-14 6:35 pm
First of all, you're a big coward. Why can't you "man up" and tell your wife you're leaving? I've been in a NASTY marriage and divorce myself so I know that no argument is worth running from . Just step up to the plate and tell her you're leaving. It almost sounds like you want to avoid even telling her.

*As for your pension, I have no clue if she can touch that. Change your bank account. That would ensure she can't touch it. And how do you know that you might not HAVE to pay alimony? She can file for divorce once you "disappear" on her and since you won't be around you won't even have any knowledge she's done so. She can write whatever she wants in that divorce decree and since you won't be around to contest it, she can win by entering for default. ***So do the smart thing and inform her of what your plans are. Make it legal. Better to be safe than sorry.
參考: Personal experience
2007-08-14 6:32 pm
Call a lawyer. The initial consultation is free. You need to know what to do to protect your rights and assets. Usually half of your assets and half of your debts are hers. File for divorce before you go and make sure someone knows how to reach you so that you can get it finalized.

You can have the lawyers do all the negotiating and never see the wife again, but do go through legal channels to protect yourself.

I wish you all the best. Good luck in your new life.
2007-08-14 7:03 pm
I feel sorry for your wife and kids (it's better off that you're not the real dad, cos i'm sure they don't want such a irresponsible dad). Go home and tell your wife exactly what you said here. Yes, it will hurt her but once and for all. At least she deserve a reason, intead of leaving her puzzle.

Yes, if you have a joint account, she is entitle. Yes, if she file a divorce she's entitle to your property, pension...etc. Get a lawyer, at least free her so she can have a chance to meet someone "more responsible" I hope.
2007-08-14 6:48 pm
Depending on where you live, your wife is entitled to half your pension. Sorry.

You are taking the coward's way out.

In this day and age, your wife and kids (adopted are STILL YOUR FREAKIN KIDS!!) can find you very easily unless you leave the country entirely, and move to a place that won't let the US track you down. You can be tracked really easily by remaining family if they want to find you and make your life miserable. All you have to do is open a bank account in your name, get a driver's license, or even tell your former company where to send your pension checks.

Also, have you thought about what the IRS is going to do to you? Married filing seperately is going to screw your wife over as well as yourself.
2007-08-14 6:32 pm
Yes! Abandoning her is the wrong step.. she'll take U for everything U have.

U need to go through the legal process and divorce her and sell everything and split it half and half.

Then start over!

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